Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


[ri-mem-ber] v. to recall to the mind by an act or effort of memory; think of again; to retain in the memory; keep in mind; remain aware of.
I never realized before what an important word this is. I mean, think about it, really. What if you don't remember where your class is for school? You can't go. What if you don't remember what day it is? What if you couldn't remember who loves you? What if you didn't remember who your family is? What if you don't remember who you are? Do you even know who you are?

For a long time, I've struggled with this. Remembering. I've always been told I have such a crazy awesome memory, but honestly, that's not entirely true. Sure, I could tell you the day, up to the hour even, of when I had my first kiss. And all right, it's a rare thing for me to forget when it's someone's birthday. But a lot of the time, I forget the important things. The things that really matter. Trivial matters such as song lyrics, birthdays and random facts, sure; I'm full of them. But the things that honestly matter, I always seem to forget.

Take, for example, all my dreams and aspirations. I want to be a writer. I want to be a photographer. I want to graduate from college with a degree in Psychology and go on to get a Master's. I want to teach seminary. I want to be a mother of at least 5 amazing kids. I want to be the best I can be. I want to get to the temple and marry the man of my dreams. I want to be with Doug forever. I want to live with God again.

But somehow, these things get pushed back all the time. I don't remember any of these goals, and instead of working on them, I sit on facebook, playing Bejeweled Blitz, stalking other people's pages and being a creep. I spend hours reading pointless fanfiction that is basically babble and not even worth anyone's time. And frankly, there's plenty more I do that I am way too embarrassed to admit. But occasionally I do something productive and write something of my own, or read a General Conference talk. Most of the time though I do nothing to achieve any of them. Why? Because I just... don't keep it in mind. I don't make the effort to think of it again.

Another point I never seem to remember; who I am. Now I know, that seems like it shouldn't be a hard one to remember, right? But I'm not talking about the fact that I'm half Norwegian since my mom was born there, or that Mike is my brother, and my dad grew up in Denver. I mean it's kinda hard to forget some of those things unless I get a concussion. But I'm referring to inside, who I am. Not where my physical appearances came from, but my spirit. Being the teenage girl that I am, I have a tendency to forget that I am pretty darn awesome. Honestly. Ask God, He'll tell you. Granted, I have a hard time believing in that, but it's true nonetheless. Why? Because I am a daughter of God. Literally. And really, I think that's pretty darn awesome indeed. But I never seem to keep that in mind. I don't remember it. I push it back, just like my dreams, and don't work any magic with that knowledge.

That's why "remember" is such an important word. Think about it; how awesome could you be if you always remembered that simple thing-I am a child of God. God is my father. Literally. I can look up at the stars in the heavens and say, "My Daddy made that. I'm gonna be like Him one day." How different would we act, how many things would we do, if we remembered that simple thing alone?

So remember. Remember the things that matter most. Remember who you are. Remember what you can become. Remember the feelings you've felt, the good times you've had. Remember the good times and learn from the bad.

"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become your actions."

Keep in mind the things that are most important to you, and you'll achieve all you want and much, much more.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Knots and Nots

Dear God.

Please untie the knots that are in my mind,
My heart,
And my life. Remove the hate nots,
The can nots,
And the do nots that I have in my mind. Erase the will nots,
May nots,
Might nots that may find a home in my heart. Release me from the could nots,
Would nots,
And should nots that obstruct my life. And most of all, 

Dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind,
My heart,
And my life all of the "am nots"
That I have allowed to hold me back. Especially the thought that I am not good enough.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Doug!

So it's Doug's birthday today. And I can't even celebrate it with him. I didn't realize how sad that would actually make me, but it has. 3 years ago I'm pretty sure all I did was make some lame cheesy card in our radio class and give it to him. 2 years ago I spent way too much time on 2 mix CD's about us, and a letter that was ridiculously long and I didn't even give it to him. I gave it to his sister to give to him, which was just a bad idea. Note to self, little sister's read the letters you give to their older brothers if they know about them. Nosy little punks. Last year was an utter disaster with his friends. But at least I know my Russian CTR ring did the job it needed to. This year, I'm not even with him and I feel like it was an epic fail package I sent him. And next year I won't be with him either, so that's just lame too. It's not even the fact that I need some reason to celebrate with him... frankly, I just want him here. I know, I know. Suck it up, Buttercup. And I am. Really. I've lasted about a year now, right? How bad could the next one really be? Besides, I've only got 2 more years to plan one of his greatest birthday's ever. Hmm, maybe that's what I'll go do tonight...
Point is. Happy Birthday, love! I wish you could read this and know how much I love you. And see how amazing I think you are. And crazy awesome. And perfect. And fabulous. And... you get the picture ;)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Day to Remember

So as I hopped on facebook today, I noticed a good friend of mine actually posted something (which he rarely does) and I was floored by what I read. And now, I'm sharing it with you, with small tweaks of my own, because today truly is a day to remember.
I wasn't alive during the Holocaust, and as a child I wasn't aware of the Rwandan genocide. But nine years ago I was a 10-year-old getting ready to go to elementary school and I remember the sinking feeling I felt as I watched an airplane smash into a building full of real people with real lives, real families, real hopes. Today I mourn man's inhumanity to man. I mourn the cruelty, the thoughtlessness, the violence, the hatred. I mourn the difficulty we have seeing that every human being is worthy of honor, of love, of compassion, of respect. I don't know how we fail to see that people who think and feel differently than we do still think and feel, that their lives matter as much to them as mine does to me. Life is sacred. Humanity is holy. Today as I mourn, I determine that I will be kinder because of what I remember. I decide that my sorrow will not turn to hatred, to vengeance, to violence, but rather to love, to forgiveness, to friendship. Today I want eyes to see the hidden sorrows that surround each soul, I want ears to hear the silent cries of the oppressed, and I want a heart that responds with a willingness to give of myself to help alleviate pain, sorrow, fear, hatred. Today I choose love.