Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Doug!

So it's Doug's birthday today. And I can't even celebrate it with him. I didn't realize how sad that would actually make me, but it has. 3 years ago I'm pretty sure all I did was make some lame cheesy card in our radio class and give it to him. 2 years ago I spent way too much time on 2 mix CD's about us, and a letter that was ridiculously long and I didn't even give it to him. I gave it to his sister to give to him, which was just a bad idea. Note to self, little sister's read the letters you give to their older brothers if they know about them. Nosy little punks. Last year was an utter disaster with his friends. But at least I know my Russian CTR ring did the job it needed to. This year, I'm not even with him and I feel like it was an epic fail package I sent him. And next year I won't be with him either, so that's just lame too. It's not even the fact that I need some reason to celebrate with him... frankly, I just want him here. I know, I know. Suck it up, Buttercup. And I am. Really. I've lasted about a year now, right? How bad could the next one really be? Besides, I've only got 2 more years to plan one of his greatest birthday's ever. Hmm, maybe that's what I'll go do tonight...
Point is. Happy Birthday, love! I wish you could read this and know how much I love you. And see how amazing I think you are. And crazy awesome. And perfect. And fabulous. And... you get the picture ;)

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