Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Because Four Just Wasn't Enough

I have a blog for just about everything these days. Some are private, some public and all are functioning for different reasons. Photography blog. Private "journal like" and "rant about frustrations and stupid people" blog. Writing blog. Spiritual blog. The only thing I don't have is a public blog that is something similar to the private blog, with a much less chance of some people getting offended! Until now, that is.
Some days I may actually be funny. Some days I'll probably be sad (hey, you would be too if your best friend was gone for 2 years). Some days I might even have something worthwhile to say.
A fair warning though; read at your own risk. There will probably be rant posts, mushy "I miss my missionary" posts, rather pointless posts, random writing posts and anything else that just so happens to pop into my head that moment.
Until then, I bid you adieu. Пока.

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