Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, August 29, 2011

I Can't Please All of You

You know, I'm really tired of not being able to make everyone happy. Honestly. It's driving me crazy. My wedding, for instance, that still isn't happening for forever anyway... yeah. It's already got people wound up in a knot.
I've got one mother saying no reception. I've got the other saying to have one. I've got one sister saying get an artistic photographer because I wish I had. I've got another who thinks someone in the family should just do it. I've got another person saying it all must be very presentable. Another who thinks a "campfire" and roasting marshmallows would be the perfect relaxed kind. Cake, no cake. Candy bar, no candy bar. Actual reception hall, just at a stake center.
I can't deal with this kind of stress. I cannot make all of these people happy. It isn't going to happen. I can't even freaking do what I want to do because I'm being guilted not to.
I thought my wedding was supposed to be my day... whatever happened to that?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wedding Cake

Oh my gosh. I just got so excited.
This would  be pretty much the coolest thing ever.
I may have just found my wedding cake design.

It's freaking brilliant. That's what it is.
Imagine it with red, black and white m&m's, with two little strawberries on top.
Like this:

I don't think I've found something quite so amazing before.
And for any girl who loves chocolate... how could you possibly go wrong with this??
The levels of excitement for my wedding just shot through the roof.
3 months until Doug is home.
Less than 5 months until I'm married.
It's finally sinking in :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011


"No woman was ever quite like you. The Lord made only one, without carbons. You are not repeated and not repeatable. No one else can do what the Lord sent you to do. The value of what you have to contribute will come through the expression of your own personality, that particular spark of the divine that make you unique, setting you off from every other living creature. The mark you leave on the world, on the hearts and minds of 
others is as distinct as your thumb print." -Sister Barbara B. Smith

I'm so grateful to be unique. I'm so grateful for God, who knows where I'm at in life. I'm grateful that He knows the greatness I am capable of, despite my faults and frailties. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

5 Months

It feels like a small eternity. Nay, it  is a small eternity. But at least it's just a small one ;)
And once that small eternity is up, the beginning of my forever eternity as Heather Johnson begins. Oh I love how that rolls off the tongue.

Heather Johnson.
Heather Johnson.
Heather Johnson.

Yup. I'm stoked.

A Fish That Climbs Trees

"Everybody is a geniusBut if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." — Albert Einstein

I always knew Einstein was brilliant (no pun intended) but seriously; this is perfect. There have been so many times that I have been put down by so many people because I'm not good at math, or the hard sciences, or statistics... I'm not one of the brainy nerds. But I'm freaking brilliant when it comes to reading people and their emotions, their personalities and understanding the people around me. I have this uncanny ability to analyze you subconsciously and store away the information for later when you need help. And most people can't do that. Most people don't have the ability to be this empathetic and sympathetic. Most people don't have the ability to read others like I do. And frankly, most people don't care like I do either. 

I may not be able to climb trees worth a hoot, but dang it; I can swim! 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

99 Bottles of Sprite on the Wall...


I can't freaking believe it!!!

Am I seriously, finally, in double digits?
Do I really only have 99 days until I see Doug and his amazingly attractive and loving and perfectly handsome face again?
I think I might pass out.
Maybe today won't be so bad after all... :D

Hot, sweaty, hasn't shaved and still ridiculously attractive.  Oh I love him!

I Choose to be Pure

Such an amazing video. Such a great message. Six young people of various faiths speak candidly about why they have chosen to be sexually pure. This gave me chills by the end. I'm tired of so many people saying they can't curb their want and need for any kind of sexual relation. "You haven't been through college without..." whatever. I don't buy that. I don't believe that. Don't tell me it's just because I'm a Mormon. It's because I can feel it's right. It's because I know how sacred such acts are. It's because I know I have control over myself, the world doesn't.