Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Friday, October 22, 2010

Proving Yourself

Yes, that's right. Try as you might, you can't truly hide a thing, because God knows it all.Honestly, it's quite the unnerving thought. When you really think about it, anyway. He knows what you're going to do before you do it. He knows every action you are going to take, every decision you are going to make. He knows what classes you're going to register for, whether or not you're going to help that old lady with her groceries, what you did last summer. Yup, He even knows what you're going to eat for breakfast next week. And to think--you haven't even gone shopping yet.Sounds creepy, right? Or at least frustrating, isn't it? It's almost as though you're predetermined to do certain things; great at some, fail at others. Like God made you that way, made you to fail those 4 tests in one week, made you get that speeding ticket. After all, He knew it was going to happen, and He didn't stop it. It's not like you had a choice. In fact, it's almost as though you have no choice at all.If God knows everything, knows what you're going to decide, doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of agency? That beautiful "gift" we've been given? We're supposed to decide and go with the consequences. Isn't that how the plan was made?So if we have agency, how does God know everything? How would He know what's going to happen? And if He doesn't know, that just makes everything I believe in come crashing down. If God doesn't know everything, then He doesn't know what I'm going through, doesn't understand my pain, and the atonement and repentance will never work. But that's not right.Can't we just fake Him out or something? Like, "Yeah, I'm walking here, and I'm totally going to turn left at the next corner... Oh, oh, snap! Fake left and I just went right. How about that God? Did you see that one coming?" Ironically enough, yeah, He did. But you still chose to look like a fool and try to fake out God.And there is a way for both to coincide together.We're told that God knows us so well that He knows exactly what decisions we're going to make. He is our father, after all, so it's only to be expected after millions of years knowing us. So think about this logically for a moment. Because He knows us so well, He knows what tendencies we have, the types of decisions we make and so forth. That's a given. So if that's the case, He has already determined where we are going to end up in the next life, hasn't He? I mean, He knows us perfectly, so surely He knows that. If we're going to make it to the Celestial kingdom, He's already aware of it. We can't fool him.So why come here then? If He already knows where we would end up, why send us here, knowing whether or not we were going to make it back in the end before we even get here? It's simple, really.What do we have to prove to God? I mean honestly, is there anything? Do we need to prove to Him that we can get back to Him, that we are capable? Not really, He already knows we're all capable of it. So that's not it. Do we need to prove to Him that we trust Him? Again, He knows everything, so doesn't He know that too, whether we really do or not?In all honesty, there is absolutely nothing we need to prove to God. Not a thing. How could we, even we needed to anyway? But the beauty of it, is that we don't.We don't do what we do to prove to God that we can get back to Him. He already knows we can. We do what we do and live this life to prove to ourselves that we can get back to Him. He already knows it all. Now, we need to know it for ourselves.

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