Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, December 27, 2010

Definition: Beauty

Let's take a quick drive down the road of Hollywood for a moment, shall we? I'll even let you have shotgun in my amazingly awesome, super sexy Aston Martin V12 Vanquish (shown here:
for your convenience), just so we look cool enough in the eyes of Hollywood. You know, sinceobviously what the world thinks is so important. Because, after all, it is the only thing that matters; haven't you jumped on that bandwagon yet? I mean, Ellen Degeneres says it perfectly in her recent Cover Girl commercial:

*close up of Ellen's face* "Inner beauty is important... but not nearly as important as outer beauty."

~End Scene for the Purpose of this Rant~

*screeching noise as Vanquish quickly stops and begins to careen wildly* Hold it.

She just said what?!

"Inner beauty is important, but not nearly as important as outer beauty." Please tell me I am going deaf and somehow missed the epic 90s "psych" clause made famous by Will Smith. There is no way she really said that. Is there?

Actually, there is.

That is Hollywood today people. Yup, it doesn't matter how awesome you are, if you're what the world claims to be ugly, you're screwed. That single zit on your right cheek? Yeah, sorry, you're no good. We'll toss you out like the rest of the rejects. Oh... those freckles... I'm sorry. There's just too many of them. You're going to have to go out to the back as well. And dear heavens; you weigh more than 105 pounds, and you're 5'8''?! You poor child. All that excess food you must be eating could feed all of Ethiopia.

I sincerely hope none of you honestly buy into this garbage, but sadly a very large percentage of people do. Nonetheless, I hope you rethink your thoughts on Hollyworld, because frankly, here's the "average" facts from multiple sources: The average U.S. woman is 5'4'' inches tall and weighs about 152 pounds. According to another source, the National Center for Health Statistics, the average weight for an adult woman is 162. 9 pounds. So here we have about a 10 pound difference, neither of which is anything close to Hollywood standards.

Now you're probably thinking, "That Cover Girl commercial had nothing to do with body weight. It's for make up." Well you're right. But here's the thing; it's all relative in this industry.

You can have the prettiest face in the world, but if you weigh more than what's "acceptable" then you're just not beautiful. This can also be reversed. You can also have the hottest body out there, but if your face isn't up to par, you also are not beautiful. At least, that's what Hollywood is trying to tell us.

Why are we letting these people, and in all honesty these evil people, control what beauty is defined as? Since when did inner beauty not matter as much as, if not more than, outer beauty? I mean, I know I'm not some hot looking celebrity, but I also know that I have some pretty awesome qualities and some things that make me plenty beautiful. And I don't need the fake world of Hollywood to define that for me.

Want the definition of beautiful from real people? Here:

  1. That smile of yours. You know the one; you're laughing at a joke and you can't help but grin and laugh.
  2. Speaking of your laugh, that's another beautiful thing about you. I have not met one person who, with their real laugh, was not beautiful. Sure, it's not what everyone else claims is beautiful, but the real laugh of someone, meaning real joy in that moment, is beyond beautiful.
  3. Honesty. True honesty.
  4. Your pair of eyes. Whether it's the honey suckle brown, chocolate brown, muddy brown, the steel blue, the not so brilliant blue, emerald green, pea green, bright violet, turquoise, that green and brown mix of hazel or the kind that change color every day. Eyes are the window to the soul; beauty is found there no matter what. Everyone has them and every single one of them are beautiful.
  5. Continuing with the idea of number 4: Their eyes, not because it is a physical feature, but they are as unique as a finger print, show ANY kind of emotion, and are the rare glimpse God gives us into each person's soul. :)
  6. Confidence in oneself and their abilities. Able to love themselves despite human flaws.
  7. You know that person who has amazing amounts of patience. The mother who takes her screaming children to the grocery store, the brother who lets their little sibling tag along with his friends etc.
  8. In fact, mothers in general. I don't think there's much more beautiful than that.
  9. I love when people listen to me and not just hear what I'm saying. I love having them pay attention, respond to my comments, and ask questions. I love talking to people and having them actually care about what I say :)
  10. Giving and understanding others.
  11. Hope.
  12. A willingness to serve. Helping others in their times of need; I'm pretty sure Gandhi and Mother Theresa were some of the most beautiful people to walk the earth.
  13. Humility, that understanding that they cannot do everything on their own.
  14. I love when I see people out, goofing around with little kids. The ability to let that inner child out and make little kids laugh, that's beautiful to me :)
  15. Love

Can we please stop letting them have such control? The number one response I got was a persons eyes; in case you'd overlooked this fact, everyone has those. And that is what most people think immediately when they think beautiful. Not a single person mentioned weight, or perfectly toned muscles, the clearest complexion, or anything Hollywood would have us think is "true beauty."

Really people, if you see nothing else great, amazing and beautiful about yourself other than this, just remember: You are a child of God. I don't care what faith you are, a lot of people believe that whether you're a Mormon or any other type of Christian and many other religions. The fact remains the same-you are of noble birth. And if you don't have at least some confidence on that alone, then you are in for one crazy ride here in life. Especially if Hollywood is driving that pretty Vanquish with you in the passenger seat.

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