Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Saturday, January 29, 2011

2 Decades Later

Oh boy. I've officially left the teen zone.
Might I just say, 20 is the most worthless age? I know, that seems really pessimistic, and it's not really supposed to be, but honestly. Think about it. At least at 19 you're still a teenager. Now that I'm 20, I'm just kinda here, stuck between teenagehood and adulthood, because no one actually considers you an adult until you're 21 anyway. Is there a point to this age? I think not. I would like to skip this year and go straight to the next one, thanks ;)
I must say it was a pretty good birthday. Although, I gained 5 pounds from the amount of food I consumed... but other than that :P Gratefully, that will mostly go away in a day or two :P
Anyway, Mom and Tina, I couldn't have gotten this lovely camera that I adore most dearly without you, so thanks :) And dad, thanks for being willing to explain a million things about cameras to me and always willing to help me get better :)
Sheri, you are the greatest 2nd mom I could pretty much ever have asked for. Cassie and Katelyn, you're basically already my sisters, so I'm going to call you as such. Joe, you make me laugh these days, which is a lot nicer than previous happenings, so I'm grateful for that. :) I even appreciated Eric and Brandon laughing "at me" today :P
Torrey, mozerella sticks are the greatest. 'Nuff said.
In short: I love you all.
Now, if only the temple didn't have a 3 hour wait this morning when I tried to go... but that's a story for another day. ;)

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