Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sunday, May 1, 2011

10 Years in the Making

He's finally gone. Osama bin Laden has been killed by U.S. operatives with Pakistani help in Pakistan.

This was announced tonight all over the country, with President Obama addressing the nation. One small step to bringing eventual peace into the world. And this deserves such celebrations as are taking place all over the nations capital, New York City and, in particularly, Ground Zero. This is something worthy of celebrating. Bringing peace to our fallen world. We do, however, have a long way to go...

I want you all to know something though; I don't celebrate the death of a man. No, I am not happy that this man has died. I do not celebrate the passing of someone, no matter how vile and disgusting that someone may have been. I do however, celebrate the beginning of the death of what this man stood for. I celebrate the death of his lack of moral values, his unethical ways and his disgusting and twisted thinking. I celebrate the lives that may now live because his ideas have been killed with him. I celebrate the men and women who died in the attacks on 9/11. I celebrate the courage of those in Pennsylvania and flight 93 who chose to crash the plane instead of let it hit its target. I celebrate the men and women in our great nations armed forces, those who are enlisted now, have been enlisted and who have died in the service of our country.

 My Country. 

This We'll Defend.
Semper Fidelis. Always Faithful.
Semper Paratus. Always Ready.
Non Sibi Sed Patriae. Not Self but Country
Aim High-Fly, Fight, Win.

I celebrate the United States of America.
In GOD we trust. 

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