Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just Friends

Seriously people. Why are you under the impression that it isn't possible to be just friends with the opposite sex? What is wrong with you?!
"Do you like Jess? Are you sure? Because you seem like you do. He's attractive after all."
"Don't do anything now, I've got the lights on you two!"
"You totally like Jess! You've talked about him twice this week!"
"You have Jess' number? Oh man, you're totally gonna ask him on a date huh?"
No, I don't like Jess. Yes, I am sure. Yeah, he's attractive, and I still think Doug is hotter.
Really? I'm standing on one side of the car, he's standing on the other. How are we going to do anything when we're 5 feet apart anyway?
No, I talked about Jess twice this week because I work with him 5 days a week for 3 hours, and it's just me and him in a creepy house where lots of weird things happen and inside jokes occur.
Yes, I have his number, because me and Heidi stole his car and drove it around the corner and I had to ask him if my iTouch fell out in his car. Oh no. Oh freaking no. I must already be planning our wedding too, huh? I mean, I go to BYU I do after all right?
Good heck. Ya'll have issues.
Yes, I talked 3 straight hours, 5 nights in a row for 2 weeks to the same guy, and still found things to talk about; another guy, who isn't Doug.  Yes, I do still talk to him even though we don't work in the same area now. Yes, I did get a guy's number who I work with. Yes, I do randomly text him to ask him a question only a guy could answer. Yes, I stayed up until 1 am talking to him about problems in our lives. Yes, I sat outside of work until 3 am the next week talking to him and helping him with his girl issues. Yes, I am friends with him.
Did you catch that?
I am friends with him.
No, it's not just him that I can talk to for hours on end, 2 weeks in a row. No, he's not the only person that I talk to at work, even though none of us work in the same area. No, he's not the first coworker's number that I've gotten. No, I do also text other people from work randomly to ask them stupid questions. No, he's not the only co-worker I've stayed up until 1 am talking about our problems in our lives after work. And NO, he's not the only guy I've stayed up until odd hours of the morning with, talking about his girl problems, life problems, listening to him, helping him open up, and just being there for him!
I'm sorry, am I supposed to not be friends to people and help them with their lives when they need someone to talk to and vent with? I'm sorry I understand where he's coming from where most girls never would, and then wouldn't ever be willing to talk about it anyway even if they did. I'm sorry I see nothing wrong with being there for someone other than to just be there for them. I'm sorry I'm more accepting of people than you lot who are judging my actions and fidelity concerning Doug.
I seriously think that the next person who asks me if I like/have a crush on/am going to hook up with Jess before Doug gets home is going to get slapped.
And for the record, the answer to that pathetic and stupid question is a very big, very pissed off, very annoyed and resounding

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