Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Pros and Cons of Short Hair

-less hair to do in the morning
-dries quicker
-easier to manage
-looks better (on me anyway, in my opinion)

...pretty sure that's about it.

-very little to do with it
-never pull it up for fear of looking like a Pokemon when you do
-gets nastier faster
-always have to use a million bobby pins
-harder to play with
-less to play with
-one small bad cut and it looks like that for months, no quick fixes
-absolutely no way to do "wedding hair"

I think that's the one that bugs me most. I like me with short hair; not much of a fan with long haired Heather anymore like I used to be long ago. But if I don't grow my hair our, I'm going to have the same plain old every day hair for my wedding. Unfortunately, hair is one of those things you actually have to plan out in advance... months in advance. And now I just can't decide.

Grow it out so I can have some kind of curly, braided, half down up do, or keep my short hair and just put little diamond looking pins in my hair, because that is greatly preferred for every day doing.
Am I crazy, or does this look like the 70s are back?
Apparently the 80s are too...

Really? These are my options? 70s, 80s, or Plain Jane Straight, all with a tiara?


Oh well. I guess if all else fails I can just do the porcupine look.

Yup. I'm screwed.

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