Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Jibber Jabber

So there are a million things I've wanted to say for a while about all sorts of things and have never gotten around to it; I finally am. Mainly because I'm bored, also because I'm trying to sort all of this stuff out for myself.
1. To all the parents out there; support your children. I know, you'd think that would be a no brainer, but I've heard of so many experiences not to mention my personal experiences where parents have a hard time doing just that. Instead, they feel they know everything and know what their child needs to do to be happy. I'm sorry parents, but newsflash, you do not know everything. I'm not saying we as children do, but chances are we have a better idea of what is wrong than you do, because we are living our lives, not you. If we feel like we want to try out for something and you don't think we'll make it, encourage us anyway! Telling us we have next to no chance doesn't make us want to come to you next time.
2. "My room and car aren't always clean. I don't typically put a great amount of effort into 'getting ready' (hair, make up, etc.) I just figure that the people who love me will love me either way. Maybe I'm not trying to be beautiful, understood or liked at the moment. So what? If you don't love me just because my face isn't shining like yours, that's probably more your problem than mine."I have never been so willing to quote a friend before. Honestly, if you're going to love me, you'll do it regardless of how I look, or what I do. I'm still not quite sure why people get so offended if I don't do every little thing they suggest to me, but seriously people. Take me for who I am or leave me be.
3. Being with friends and family and enjoying the company of others is a good thing, definitely something we should all do frequently. However, having time alone is also very important. Taking a step back to see yourself as you really are is something that needs to happen relatively often. The more time I do this, the more I see of myself, and more accurately interpret whatever in the world I'm doing with my life and why I've done what I have done with myself in the past. Which leads me to my next thought.
4. People will do some crazy things for attention. Myself, for example. I wanted attention so badly as a young teenager that I now have caused myself to have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), meaning every fall and winter, I have a type of depression. I haven't been "diagnosed" by some doctor or psychologist, but the symptoms are clearly there, have been for years, and I'm not just now self-diagnosing myself since I'm a first year Psychology Major (although, I just changed my major...). The point is, everyone needs attention. We all need a friend, someone who will be there for us. And if that need and feeling of a deep connection isn't met, we will do some crazy stuff to try finding it in less suitable and more outlandish ways. So if you see a friend doing stupid things that they wouldn't normally do, chances are, they need a friend. Be that friend.
5. Like the age old adage; Cheaters never prosper. This became rather evident recently when a good friend of mine was cheated on. Their lives are now a living hell, and I couldn't feel more sorry for him. If I ever find out that one of my friends are cheating on someone, I will probably come hunt you down. Honestly, it's straight up rude, inconsiderate and a whole slew of other words. Please, save us all the aggravation and don't make me pull out my Katniss boots.
I guess those are my random jabberings. I'm sure I'll have more tomorrow, but for now, I need sleep. It's almost 2 am, after all.

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