Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Friday, March 25, 2011

Greek, Aramaic and Other Semitic Languages

I must tell you about how much I love words. I love finding new words and their meanings, along with their meanings in other languages and how even translations never do a word justice. Anyway, in my New Testament class this semester, we've talked a lot about Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic. Here's some of what I've learned, and loved because it has helped my understanding of things. If you don't know, Aramaic is the language that was spoken by Jesus, though few speak it now.

كفارة (kafara-as close as I can get with rough translations, this is Arabic however): This is the word used for the Atonement. 
כפרה (kafar-[I'm pretty sure] Hebrew): Atonement. Which could also be translated as to cover, or to forgive.
Kafat (Aramaic-not sure about writing): Atonement or full embrace

πορνια (pornia): pornography. The root of this heinous plague goes back to Greek. Makes so much sense to me now.
εδεεμ (redem): To redeem. This was used with slaves, when one was buying back a slave. 
εξιλέωση (exielosi): Atonement or expiation. Expiation is to make amends. Guilt is said to be expiated when it is visited with punishment falling on a substitute. Expiation is made for our sins when they are punished not in ourselves but in another who consents to stand in our room.
ομολογώ (homologo): To confess, also to promise, to covenant.

Basically what this is meaning is that sometimes, translations are a bit hazy in the Bible. Some words were used, while others could have and should have been. The word "atonement" is only used once in the entire Bible, yet as Mormons, we believe so fully and so much on the atonement. Instead other words are used, when oftentimes "atonement" should have been. So keep that in mind the next time you're reading from the bible. Translations are next to never perfect; each word, although being translated at the best ability possible, still don't have quite the same meaning when going from one language to another. Slight meanings change, and sometimes it's those slight meanings that, in fact, change the entire meaning of a passage.

And something I want to say about the word "redeem." As I stated, it was used when termed with buying back a slave. Why then is Christ considered our Redeemer? Might I pose a suggestion to that. We all are in a carnal state of mind, that's just life. We are in a state that we cannot help but be carnal and devilish and whatnot, because that is what fallen man is, unless he curbs his appetites and comes unto God. But we all still makes mistakes. So my proposition is this: We all are slaves to sin, slaves to the devil and this carnal nature. But Christ, our Redeemer, is ready, and willing, to buy is back. Not only ready and willing, but He already did, whether you agree to accept it or not.

Just some food for thought.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm Not That Daughter

I look out my window and I can't see the sun
I try to put on a smile but it just isn't the one
I pretend to be strong but in truth I want to be done
And the day has just begun...

I want to be that girl that everybody loves
I wish I was the one that no one could let go of
I try to be her but she's who I always fall short of
I can't keep being someone I'm so sick of...

But I just can't keep my head above water
The waves rush in and I'm sinking under.
Try as I might, I'm not that daughter...
I'm not that daughter...

The world tells me I have to be perfect
That if I'm not, I'm just a reject
But I believe it, though it's incorrect
And God proclaims that's nothing He expects

Even so I feel the weight of the world
I'm thrown upside down, around and twirled
I'm so sick of this ride and feeling so whirled
I just want to be me... and unfurl...

But I just can't keep my head above water
The waves rush in and I'm sinking under.
Try as I might, I'm not that daughter...
I'm not that daughter...

I wish I was, just for you.
I'd be the girl you want me to.
I'd do all the things you expect me to
I'd be everything for you...

And you'd be the one to keep me up
You'd lift me higher and never give up

Because I just can't keep my head above water
The waves rush in and I'm sinking under.
Try as I might, I'm not that daughter...
I'm not that daughter...

So thank you God for being that Father...
You're the perfect Father.

Friday, March 18, 2011


It really is seeping in now. I thought I was jealous 4 months ago when they got engaged? Ha. That was so tame compared to this.
Doug's brother gets married... well, technically tomorrow (Saturday). And I really am happy for him; honestly. I love his fiancée to death and we seem to get along quite nicely. It's not that I have anything against the boy who said he wasn't getting married until he was 25 and then was engaged at 22--at least, not really. Like I said, I am happy for him. Truly.  I know what it's like to find that person you want to spend the rest of your life and all eternity with and how amazing and glorious and wonderful everything about that person is and the way they make you feel. I really am glad they found each other. I just happen to be slightly annoyed and frustrated, too, is all...
I mean seriously? He's known the girl for what? 8 months, give or take a week or so. Has only been dating her for 6. Engaged after 2...
In what world is this fair? I have to wait as many years as months they dated before they got engaged until I can even get engaged. And I've dated Doug for over a year; and we're not even "technically" engaged yet! I still have to wait as many months as they have known each other even existed before I can see Doug again, let alone let anything else happen! I ask again: In what world is this fair?
Yeah., yeah. I know. Get over myself. Life isn't fair. But frankly, for once in my life I wish it was. Jealousy seems to do some crazy things to me, and makes me miss Doug all the more. Especially with a situation that's, literally, so close to home.
I really am trying to be a good sport about all of this. I'm trying to not let it bother me that the woman I've considered to be my mother-in-law for years now, even if it's not official, is now getting another daughter. A real one, not just the fake that only wishes she were a part of that family. I am trying to take comfort in the fact that Doug's sisters seem to like me a lot more than her, but chances are that with my luck, that's only because I've known them for 3 years and they finally stopped hating me once Doug left and I was still around and may or may not have bribed them with Oreos. This new sister could do the same; it's not that hard. And it's probably not because they like me. I'm trying not to think about the fact that I feel like I'm being replaced. It's not like I was actually a Johnson, right? You can't replace what was never there to begin with I suppose. I'm trying not to be annoyed that all I hear about and have heard about for the last 8 months is Brandon this and Joe that, engagement ring here, engagement pictures, bridal shower I'm not invited to, wedding plans here, everyone else there... Everyone that is, except for Doug.
I really am trying not to be extremely frustrated at the fact that no one talks about Doug or how he's doing or what's going on with him. But I'm tired of being the only one he tells his problems to,  not because I mind being there for him (not in the least). But because no one else even cares to listen. Because everything is supposed to be just honky dory for him. And everyone has too much else on their minds to be concerned and worried about him. "He's on a mission" I overheard one family member say. "He's the one I don't have to be worrying about. I feel bad, but there's so much I have to take care of, I figure he's in the Lord's hands anyway." While that may be true, you're the last person that shouldn't be worried about him... and that irks me to no end. The fact that no one shuts up about Brandon and Saren, but everyone is totally shut up about Doug. It honestly feels like he doesn't exist to them anymore, and honestly, that hurts. A lot more than I like to admit. And it just eggs that jealousy on more... as if it wasn't running high enough as it is...
I really am trying here. I know it may not seem like it, but I've been holding all this in for months now, and few people know... Why else would I be driveling to cyberspace about my problems? Oh yes. Because I don't want certain people to catch wind of this jealousy I'm trying so desperately to hide. And whomever manages to read this all the way through, well I honestly don't mind.
Ugh. I hate jealousy.
Doug, can you come home now please? I miss you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'll Even Take a Handshake

This is one of those nights that I really, really  miss Doug. I don't have these very often (least ways, not quite like this), but when I do, they're bad.
It's one of those nights where I just want him to hold me because, well, why not? When I just wish I could rest my head on his shoulder, with his head on mine. Or heck, at this point I'll even take a handshake.
I am in desperate need of one of those nights where we just sat in his car and talked for hours about anything and everything, from smiles to Kolob, and basketball to playing with kids and books we love.
I want to see his smile right in front of me, hear that giggle of his that few others have heard and watch the stars and moon twinkle in his eyes. I want to lay my head on his chest and just drift off to sleep, curled up next to him like so many nights before while watching Star Trek. I want him to tell me when I'm being stupid and hug me when I'm down and on the verge of tears. I want the future we've talked about so often for years to just happen already, not in another 10 months . . .

In short, I just want my best friend back . . . Is that really too much to ask?


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just to Name a Few

I’ve been working on this post for a really long time. Considering the amount of people, this shouldn’t be too surprising. But these here are some (honestly, only some. It really is just a few) of the people that, especially during the last few years, have influenced my life a great deal and have helped mold who I have become today. And I thank God every day for allowing them to be a part of my life, for they bless it, each and every way. So, in no particular order:

Oh, Christina. It's hard for me to put into words what she means to me and how she's changed my life. Many times while in Ukraine, she was the only one who could really reach me. Although that bothered me sometimes, I learned rather quickly that she was one of the people I needed to meet while I was there. I couldn't have gotten through certain times in my life had it not been for her and her willingness to be obedient and listen to the spirit. I will never forget the night we were in Slovakia just sitting up in our room, talking about her experiences on her mission to Belgium. I hold what she said to me then close to my heart, and I will never forget what she's done for me.


Darcie. Heavens, we've been friends for far too long :P I have learned so much from you, it's ridiculous. No one else has shown me by example how to trust in the Lord so fully and carefully as you. I look up to you in that sense more than anyone else I know. You're always willing to do what God asks you to and I wish I had more of that in myself. You've been willing to tell me when I've crossed a line, and I'm so grateful for that; most people would never tell me. Thanks for always putting up with my crap.

I can't remember a time when we weren't good friends. It doesn't matter how long we haven't talked or seen each other, the moment we do, it is as if it was only yesterday we had. No matter what, if I need someone, she'll be there, any time of day. She's always there for a listening ear and I can't express my thanks enough. She's my go to girl and we've shared more than even I wish we had :P She's my example of how to always be happy, even when one has every right to be down. No matter what she's always smiling, and I just keep trying to be like that one day.

Honestly, I would have died in Ukraine if it wasn't for her. She was my little slice of home in a country halfway around the world. She always has new insights to share on gospel subjects and always has a smile on her face. No matter what, she is willing to reach out to others and tell them how wonderful, awesome or amazing they are. She's one of those who helped my confidence soar in a way it never had before. She has no idea how often I try to emulate her acts because of the way her actions have changed me, but it's basically all the time. She's always telling everyone else how great they are, but just this once, I want to tell her how amazingly stupendous she is. Because truly, she is.

Where do I even begin? The amount of drama has been ridiculous between me and him, but you know what? It's been totally worth it. Thanks to him, I have learned (or at least, gained some) patience. It's because of him that I have learned that sometimes, I really need to get off of my pedestal and grow up. I wish there was some way that I could emulate the determination this kid has to always become better. He's always striving to become more perfected in so many ways, and hopefully I'll be able to be like that one day.
This girl is always willing to help others. It does not matter how long she's known you, how well she knows you, or if she even knows you at all. She's shown me a kind of compassion that I have seen in few other people and I can't thank her enough. Although I haven't seen her in quite some time, I know that if I were to need anything, I could go to her, and she'd be there.

No one has complimented me more than this man. He's one of the other reasons I have any sort of confidence in myself. Whenever I see him, he's already got some sort of compliment on the tip of his tongue, and that truly is a gift. He's taught me how to love others, even when they're hard to get along with sometimes. His example is one that I cherish, because his example is one I hope to be one day. He's taught me how one should treat their family and always be their best friend first. And I'm so grateful for it.

She was such a struggle to get along with at first. We both were trying so hard to get along, that we just kept clashing. She taught me how to care for those don't get along with. For a week, she took care of me when I wasn't able to take care of myself and I can just imagine the struggle it was to do so. I'm so grateful that I was able to get over my pride and just be friends with her. She taught me a life lesson I will not soon forget.

I miss this girl a lot of days. She was always the fun loving, happy go lucky girl. So many times she was there to just listen. She is such a good listener, and so bad at the advice either. I can't imagine having had to go through high school without her there every weekend. Even when I was half a world away, I knew I could still call her up and chat for no real reason, or a very important reason. She's taught me how to love life, even in the struggles, and I'm so glad I can call her friend.

From soccer buds to college friends. We've been through loads together. She's taught me how to put family first. How to do the things that you want to do, despite what others may think. She's shown me how to be studious, something that I wish I could be. She's always there for me, no matter what. Night or day (or before dawn... thanks astronomy) she's there. She's one of the few friends I still have from so long ago, and she's definitely one of the best. 

My dear twin. Of all the people that I wish I could be like, she's definitely one of the top few. She has taught me so much. To her, life is the greatest gift, and she lives it to the fullest. She's shown me how to be a true friend. How to reach out to those who can't help themselves. How to use one's gifts for good and the nurturing of others. Her example is one that I have seen on few and far between, and she has touched my life in ways that I am still uncovering. 
I don't know where I would be without Taryn. It's hard for me to think of how far apart we grown from each other, when we were once the best of friends. I could not have gotten through high school without her at my side. She has always been one to be obedient to her parents, and I honestly envy her of that. She's taught me how one can and should restrain yourself from doing something stupid or rude. Her patience amazes me, and I'm so glad I have been friends with her long enough to have some of that patience rub off onto me. 

My sister. By living in her life on the sidelines, I have learned so much. I have been forced to grow spiritually in ways I never thought imaginable because she needed help and I was the one who needed to give it to her. She's taught me humility. She's helped me understand Christ. She's beloved to me in a way that few understand. Many wonder how in the world we are friends, and to them I say, they don't know a thing. She is the salt to my pepper, the cheese to my macaroni. I would be, literally, in hell, if not for her.
She's one of those, "I know I'm not perfect, but dangit I'm going to do the best I can anyway" kinds of people. She has such a determination to do good. I really wish I was more like that. Her smile is one that can light up an entire building, not just a room. I love her go-to attitude, her "I'm cool with who I am" aura. She lives to please herself and her God, not the rest of the world. The self confidence she has developed is one that I can only dream of achieving one day. She's taught me how to believe in myself through her example, and taught me to also just be myself, something I've always struggled with. Pretty much, I just love everything about this girl. And I honestly wonder how in the world I would have survived the east coast for 2 weeks if not for her. 
The wingman of my life. Jon needs an entire blog post to himself to express what he's taught me. To name a few things he's taught me: how to raise a family, how to give a listening ear, how to follow the spirit, how to know when to bend the rules just a little bit, for the benefit of another person (even if you could get in heaps of trouble for doing so), how to befriend those in need, how to smile through the pain, how to trust God's judgement, how to trust your own judgement, and most importantly, how to live a Christ-like life. He's been there for me since I was 12 and I can't imagine life without him. Frankly, I probably wouldn't have a life to live if not for him.

Hands down the most charitable person I know. She's like Jon in the fact that she  needs her own post to explain all she's taught me, but for the short version: how to be compassionate, how to admit you need help, how to smile even when you're crying, how to trust in the Lord, how to take care and raise a family, how to accept those who can't accept themselves, how to cook (ha ha), how to respect family, and most importantly, how to take others in under your wing. I can't thank her enough for the number of times she's done each of these for me.There are only a handful of people that I love as much as her.

I won't even get into this one much. Most importantly, Doug has shown me what God sees in me. By the way he treats me every day (or every week as it is now), I know how much God loves me, because I know how much Doug does. I couldn't possibly thank him enough for all that he's taught me over the last 4 years which is why I'm so grateful I'll have an eternity to show him. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Tool in the Lord's Hands

I have been friends with Tony for as long as I can remember, way back in elementary school. We were never super good friends who talked all the time, but growing up we always hung out at school and pretty frequently hung out on weekends with all our common friends. I always had a crush on him (yeah, embarrassing) and at some points I know he knew. Gratefully it didn’t freak him out too bad…

A little more than a year ago, Tony went on a mission. The fact that he went was a miracle in itself because his dad was in the hospital at the time; rumor was he could die. In fact, it was pretty likely. I was so proud of him for making the decision to still serve the Lord although this hardship had fallen on his family. He gave one of the most touching and amazing farewell talks I had ever heard, and I was touched deeply by it. We talked for about a half hour at his house afterwards, which was pretty impressive for us. It was really nice to just… talk. I told him of my plans to go to Ukraine in August and how I hoped it would come sooner. He told me about all sorts of things about him I never really knew before. It was great to have that last time with him. But that was the last I’d hear from him or he from me for a long time…

I ended up going to Ukraine less than 2 weeks after talking to Tony. I was there for 5 months, and during one of my last few weeks there I got the idea to write a bunch of my friends from high school and such that were now on missions. I had 5 in mind, but somehow only ever got to 4 of them. Needless to say, it was Alan whom I continued to put off—not on purpose, but just because I got so busy wanting to see everything I could since I was going home in less than a month at that point.

It wasn’t until almost 2 months after I had been home that I saw Tony’s mom in July at a friend’s wedding reception. We talked for a while, and she said I really should write Tony because he loved getting mail and would love to hear from me. I agreed and she gave me his address. I wrote him immediately that night, because I felt especially bad since I had planned to write him so much sooner. I finished the letter the next day and sealed it up. I brought it out to my car, so I wouldn’t forget it was there and would take it to the post office in one of the next few days… However, after a week, it somehow got lost. After 2 months of searching for that letter, I finally found it in the back seat of my car—somewhere I still don’t know how it got there. I got the feeling that I really needed to send it soon, so I immediately went to the post office and sent it off.
I didn’t expect to hear back from him honestly. Only one of the other 4 letters wrote back and in all honesty it was a pretty outdated letter at that point… by over 2 months. And as time went on I knew I wouldn’t hear from him. Or so I had assumed.

Yesterday, my dad came in with the mail. He tossed me a letter. I was expecting one from Doug and instead was shocked to see “Elder Holman” on the front. I tore it open so quick. I had sent him that letter just shy of 6 months earlier, and I was so excited to see what he’d have to say. Mainly because I couldn’t even remember what I had written… ha ha. Anyway, here’s the whole point to this post.

First off, I was shocked at how long the letter was. Two pages front and back? Of England paper, which is longer than American 8 ½ x 11 inches. It was really impressive. And I seriously wondered what in the world he could talk to me that long about…

Once again, Tony touched me deeply. His letter… I’ll just have to share excerpts to help you understand along with me commentary.

About the same time as I talked to Tony’s mom, Tony became senior companion for the first time. He got a new companion, and it was evident right from the get go that they did not get along. With that came constant contention, loads of self-criticism along with his companion also putting in his two cents. Not to mention the fact that the work was completely dead where he was at. “Rain or shine we were facing massive rejection every day. I felt absolutely hopeless. I was doing what I was supposed to do, but to be frank, hating my life. Obviously my prayers were full of pleading and begging for strength and help in this difficult time.”

Tony continues to talk about October General Conference. Apparently, it’s like Christmas for missionaries :) During one of the breaks between sessions, Tony’s district leader brought their mail to them. That day he got my letter. “I continued to open it up right then and there and read your letter. Heather, your letter was the answer to my prayers.”

Now I don’t want to go into too much detail about what he said to me or I to him, and I don’t say what little I do to toot my own horn either. But I said to him what I felt, clear back in July, needed to be said for some reason. I wanted him to know of the times during high school where I was grateful for him, when he was such a good friend to me, when I was least expecting it. And anything good and uplifting I could think of. I told him of the words Genshai and Namaste, words that I learned while I was in Ukraine that brought so much more meaning to my life (I’ll do posts about those words later). “It touched me a great deal. So much so that on my next missionary planner, I wrote on the back, Genshai and Namaste-Never treat anyone small or make them feel small- NOT EVEN YOURSELF! It was almost as if you knew exactly what I was going through.”

At the very end of his letter he said this: "Even though it took me so long to respond, the impact of your letter was real. I hope you are loving life! It's meant to be loved ya know. Always remember Genshai. I have till this day."

I suppose that, to a point, I understood what Tony was going through, but I can assure you that, seeing as I hadn’t heard a thing from him (I don’t even get the weekly emails forwarded to me or anything) in over 7 months, I did not know what he was going through. At that time when I wrote the letter, I was on a spiritual high. I was feeling so good (which is always the best time to write letters) and essentially, all I was, was a tool in the Lord’s hands. And I have never been so grateful for that in my entire life.

I almost forgot: He also left me with the scripture John 16:33. Little did he know at the time that that too would be an answer to my prayers. I could not thank him enough for being in tune with the spirit enough to send me that. Turns out I'm not the only one being a tool in the Lord's hands...

So the next time you get a prompting of sorts—bake cookies for a neighbor, call someone randomly for no apparent reason, write a letter to a dear friend you haven’t spoken to in years—DO IT. You never know what kind of effect it could have on them. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I've officially decided.

Doug needs to be a dentist.

I am so sick of stupid dentists (all right just the one) that fail miserably. I need someone who won't fail at their job. Blah.