Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm Not That Daughter

I look out my window and I can't see the sun
I try to put on a smile but it just isn't the one
I pretend to be strong but in truth I want to be done
And the day has just begun...

I want to be that girl that everybody loves
I wish I was the one that no one could let go of
I try to be her but she's who I always fall short of
I can't keep being someone I'm so sick of...

But I just can't keep my head above water
The waves rush in and I'm sinking under.
Try as I might, I'm not that daughter...
I'm not that daughter...

The world tells me I have to be perfect
That if I'm not, I'm just a reject
But I believe it, though it's incorrect
And God proclaims that's nothing He expects

Even so I feel the weight of the world
I'm thrown upside down, around and twirled
I'm so sick of this ride and feeling so whirled
I just want to be me... and unfurl...

But I just can't keep my head above water
The waves rush in and I'm sinking under.
Try as I might, I'm not that daughter...
I'm not that daughter...

I wish I was, just for you.
I'd be the girl you want me to.
I'd do all the things you expect me to
I'd be everything for you...

And you'd be the one to keep me up
You'd lift me higher and never give up

Because I just can't keep my head above water
The waves rush in and I'm sinking under.
Try as I might, I'm not that daughter...
I'm not that daughter...

So thank you God for being that Father...
You're the perfect Father.

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