Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1 Year and 9 Months

Today is quite the day. Here's why:

1 year ago I started this blog. Which also means that 1 year ago I was in Ukraine... I miss Ukraine. And I remember this day so well, sitting in the big room by the far window in the little chair while using Jenna's mini laptop to start up this blog. Miss Heether came from my Native Coordinator, Oksana, because she couldn't pronounce my name correctly the first day and the "nickname" stuck. To this day, many of the Schmlkjhn's still call me Heeeeether :P

I feel like I've changed a lot over the last year. Lots of things have changed. Not only do I live in a different country, I have completely new friends, a new (ish) job, a raise, one year less waiting for Doug, and I've grown in ways that I never would have thought, although I've also dropped in other areas of my life too. The point is though, overall, change is inevitable and I've done plenty of it in the last year. I like to think it has mostly been for the better however.

Today was also the last day of the semester for classes. Can I get a "huzzah?"

Oh, and the 9 months thing? That's how long I have to wait until I'm married. Say what? Yup. January 13th, 2012. But shhh. Don't go around telling the whole world; most people don't know and I'd like to keep it to you select few ;) Doug doesn't want people to think we're crazy... as if they don't already know it :P But there are certain people (both our mothers, for instance) who would probably die knowing we actually have a date and wouldn't appreciate knowing, both for different reasons too. At any rate, I'm excited, so I had to say something since I've been keeping this quiet for months now. I figure, he told Elder Rallison before even told anyone, and I'm always the one who blabs first, so I decided I can tell a few people :P And most of you who can won't read this anyway, so really, it's like I'm only telling 3 people (if even that) :D

Well, that's all I got. Have a great day everybody! I know I will :D

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