Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Friday, April 15, 2011

Aww. I Just Love Love.

One of my good friends got engaged last night. I'm slightly jealous... but mostly just super excited and happy and giddy and thrilled and... yeah... Here's why:

2 years ago, Kristen sent off her boy, Christopher, on his mission. And let me be the first to tell you how waiting is not at all fun. And freaking hard. And sometimes it makes us do some things that most people would consider crazy...

But we enjoy ourselves nonetheless :) And it helps us get through the day... days... weeks... months... years... you get the idea.

Well, 10 days ago, Christopher returned from his mission, as much in love with her as she was with him as they were before he left, and probably moreso too. 9 days after returning, they're engaged; 3 of those days he was out of town. And they have set a date: May 21st. That's in like a month. 1 1/2 after he got home. OHMIGOSH! I'm just a wee bit excited. That's all. Some people would say their crazy, but those people just don't understand. Personally, I couldn't be more thrilled for them. At least I know these two won't judge me and Doug for getting married so quick after he gets home, unlike some people...

Anyway, they're adorable.

And I love them together. And yes, I am basing this off of pictures because I still haven't met him, but I don't even care! They're adorable. And I'm so freaking stoked!!! I can't contain it! And, I love her ring:

Yes, I realize it's on the wrong finger, and so does she. It needs to be resized... but the point is, I really love it. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that likes simple diamonds. It's just so much more... classic. And appealing. Simplicity is good...

And now, I think I have rambled about someone getting married long enough. 6 months and 10 days until Doug is home. Tack on another couple weeks (give or take) and I'll be in the same position they are now. And in a little less than 9 months, I'll be engaged. Aw, life is good :D

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