Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Salt Lake Temple: Best Place on Earth

Today was a good day. Here's why;

I went to the Salt Lake Temple today because I hadn't been to that one yet, and I go to Salt Lake every week for a class (or I did anyway but the semester is over now :P). And while I was there, I saw a man baptizing 3 girls with the last name of Goodfellow, and I assumed that he was Brother Goodfellow. And I just kept looking at him with the thought "I know you from somewhere" repeatedly running through my mind. The names they were baptizing for in the SL Temple were Hungarian names, and this man was saying the names very well. One of the Temple Workers asked if he went to a Russian speaking mission. His reply? "No, I went to the Donetsk, Ukraine mission." I gasped. When did he get back? Did he know Doug? That's why he looks so familiar! Elder Goodfellow just recently went home and I've seen his picture a million times on President and Sister Fry's blog of the Donetsk mission! I was thrilled. So much so that I hurried and changed so quick after my baptisms were done and practically ran out into the hall, hoping to find him. Which I did. I awkwardly walked over to him and asked, "You said you went to the Donetsk, Ukraine mission, right?" "Yeah I did." "When did you get back?" "About 3 weeks ago actually." "Really? That's awesome" I said with a HUGE grin on my face. "How well did you know Elder Johnson?" He seemed pretty taken aback by the question. "Really well, actually. Why?" "Well, that's my boyfriend." "Really?! Yeah I was his zone leader when he was with Elder Moore and Elder Valverde in Cold Mountain when he was a greenie. I got to know him really well. Elder Johnson is great!" And the conversation continued. He stood up, asked my name, shook my hand and we chatted a bit. His dad came over and I was introduced to him too, and half his family were gathered around :P It was interesting... But before he left, Elder Goodfellow (I'll be darned if I remember his first name...) turned back around, gave me a smile, a wave and said "I'll see ya later!" Maybe I will... if Doug knew him a lot better than I'm thinking, perhaps he's one of the Elders that will be invited to my wedding... :P

Well, my adventures at the Salt Lake Temple didn't end there. A minute later, no joke a minute later, a man comes walking by. And I think to myself, "You look really familiar too." I felt something change in the temple then. I just felt, happier than I already was feeling. He smiles a great big smile at me (which makes me smile even bigger and feel more awesome), waves and asks, "How are you doing?" I just continued to smile and wave and asked how he was in return. And then as he kept walking away I realized how I knew him. And just as I figured it out, a Temple Worker called out, "Elder Anderson!" I just looked in shock. I now understood why I suddenly felt soooo happy. I just met an Apostle. Elder Niel L. Anderson.

That's what's up.

Salt Lake Temple, you are fantabulous.

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