Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Oh Yes.

You want to know what's absolutely awesome?
My hair is finally growing!

Ok, so that's only some great news. The other fantastic news is that Doug is actually happy. I know; that seems like a somewhat stupid thing to be excited about, but it really is exciting news. He's totally been worn down the last little while and there was no way for me to help him. I would try being uplifting, sending scriptures, cool stories... all to no avail. And then, April Fool's happened.

April 1st was transfer day. Gratefully; Doug was pretty done with his companion and wanted him transferred asap. Well, he definitely got his wish. And got majorly blessed too.

He is now companions with one of the greatest guys ever, someone who Doug has loved since he got into the MTC. They were great buds there and have obviously stayed that way. I've never met him, but I'm in love with his voice and his song writing abilities; there's a reason he's playing at mine and Doug's wedding :P Elder Rallison. You have seriously made Doug ridiculously happy in a matter of... well honestly, from the moment you cracked open your easter egg and found out Doug was your companion! The excitement in Doug's voice now is crazy; it used to be so dull and drab, and honestly, it kinda hurt to listen to. But he was so happy this last week. All because he's companions with an amazingly awesomely singing Elder.

Yup. This is going to be a good transfer for all parties involved. :D

Yeah. That, my friends, is pure joy written all over Doug's face.

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