Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Less Than Instant Instant Message

Today has been a good day.

I got on facebook and had a random message from some girl named Viola... I was confused. I don't know a Viola. But she explained herself...
"hey, i know you don't know me i'm from Ukraine and your boyfriend serving in my city right now..... and i heaкв about you a lot :)" (that's supposed to say "hear" for you people who don't know a Ukrainian or Russian keyboard ;)) 

Hmm. Well. Hello there from the other side of the world! My first thought was "What in the world is he telling you about me?" :P I mean, random girl tells me that she knows a lot about me and knows my boyfriend on a mission half a world away... slightly concerning, no? But all she had to say were good things and amazing things. He's a good guy, he's happy, he's got a companion he really enjoys and is working with a lot of people... All good things. But the best was this:

"i called him 5 min. ago and told him that we are friends with?and he wants tell you somethin he can, so you can do the same, ok'? just know that i can do it :)" 

To translate this into modern English ;) it basically means that if he wants to tell me something quickly, he can tell her and she'll let me know, and I can do the same. She's willing to play the messenger girl ;) I'm not sure I'll use this less than instant instant message, but it's nice to know the option is there, you know, if something slightly important happens. Would've been awesome a week ago when I met Elder Anderson... :P Oh well. The point is, I like this girl already ;) 

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